I showed a nipple!
I posted a picture where my nipple was visible (and by now edited it already). I thought it was innocent. I thought it was enough in the shade for it to be okay. I WAS WRONG!
I didn't know what I was doing. Didn't realize how much consequences this could have. In short, I simply didn't realize how dangerous a nipple was. I was too naïve.
Because it turns out nipples are so dangerously powerful that they could provoke innocent people, they could block accounts and they could induce unwanted behaviour.
That's why it's important to only keep showing them in purely, intensely stimulating pictures and movies. They shouldn't be confusingly associated with what is soft and natural.
I just wanted to share this information with you in case you as well had no idea about the threat nipples are to our society.
. This is written in full sarcasm. It's not my real opinion. I am laughing out loud! Feel free to join me.
