You’re a good human. One of your deepest longings is to give and receive love, intimacy, and touch, so you can be fulfilled in *all* your relationships.
You feel a lot, but you intuit that there’s so much more available for you.
Even though you love and care greatly, intimacy can feel like an uphill battle at times because you don’t always know how to navigate the exciting territory of intimate relating. Sometimes, you give wayyy too much, and you lose your center. Other times, you don’t know how to ask for what you need, and you shut down.
There are some things in life you just can’t figure out on your own. And that’s okay.

Sweetheart, I see you...
Hi, I’m Lore, and I’m familiar with what you’re going through. I’ve been there myself. In case we haven’t met yet, let me tell you a bit about myself.
My curiosity about the human body made me pursue a B.Sc. in Osteopathy and training in Breathwork, my thirst for greater intimacy led me to study human sexuality with the educational community Embodied Intimacy, and my interest in more meaningful communication saw me explore the Wheel of Consent and Authentic Relating, to name but a few.
As you can see, I’m *very* passionate about the healing power of embodied intimacy.
I gave birth to my company, Intimate Breath, to help you dive headlong into an intimate exploration of your body, so you can access the vast array of intimate pleasure that’s just waiting to be discovered.
Why does this matter?
Most of us are living solely neck-up, disconnected from our living, breathing bodies, and mother nature. But the truth is, we are part of nature. As long as we ignore her life-giving seasons and cycles (that are so intelligently reflected in our own cycles!), we will continue to feel like something vital is missing.
The whole purpose of my work is to help you breathe down into your body, your genitals, and the earth. Because this is where you gain access to your core power, your inherent wisdom, and your inner authority.
It’s all available to you. It has always been there. You only forgot. But your body remembers. And now it is your time to remember, too. To come home to yourself. And to return to love.
My mission is to help you do just that.

My approach to this work is deeply personal; most of the stories on my blog brim with my own, lived experience. I use myself as a guinea pig to test new ways of building intimacy, deepening connection, and experiencing pleasure. There’s a lot of noise out there around conscious sexuality, but I’m interested in what actually works, and why.
This is why I’m determined to never stop learning and growing. I could list countless trainings I’ve undergone, but what I most want you to know is this: I combine Western, science-based knowledge of the human body with ancient Eastern tantric practices. I take the best of both worlds to offer you a unique, holistic experience that will transform the way you experience sexuality and intimacy forever.